Professional Certification - Online Job Certification Programs

- 09.16

Professional certification, trade certification, or professional designation, often called simply certification or qualification, is a designation earned by a person to assure qualification to perform a job or task. Not all certifications that use post-nominal letters are an acknowledgement of educational achievement, or an agency appointed to safeguard the public interest.

Online Certificate Programs: Management Certification Programs Online


Certifications are earned from a professional society, university, a certification body, or from a private certifier, for some specific certifications (e.g., Microsoft, Cisco, etc.). Some certifications must be renewed periodically, or may be valid for a specific period of time (e.g., the lifetime of the product upon which the individual is certified). As a part of a complete renewal of an individual's certification, it is common for the individual to show evidence of continued learning--often falsely termed continuing education--or earning continuing education units (CEU).

Many certification programs are created, sponsored, or affiliated with professional associations, trade organizations, or private vendors interested in raising standards. Many of those programs completely independent from membership organizations enjoy association support and endorsement.

Certifications are usually earned from a professional society or educational institute, not the government. However, a government agency can decree a certification is required by law for a person to be allowed to perform a task or job. Certification is different from professional licensure. In the United States, professional licenses are usually issued by state agencies, having as a requirement the university title for that profession. In other countries, licensing is granted by the professional society or college, but you need to certificate after some years (usually three to five) and so on thereafter. The certification assessment process, for some organizations, is very similar or even the same as licensure and may differ only in terms of legal status, while in other organizations, can be quite different and more comprehensive than that of licensure.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Standard 1100, defines the requirements of meeting the ANSI standard for being a certifying organization. According to ANSI Standard 1100, a professional certifying organization must meet two requirements:

  1. Deliver an assessment based on industry knowledge, independent from training courses or course providers.
  2. Grant a time-limited credential to anyone who meets the assessment standards.

Certifications are very common in aviation, construction, technology, environment, and other industrial sectors, as well as health care, business, Real estate broker and finance. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration regulates aviator certifications.

The Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) is a U.S.-based organization that sets rigorous standards for accreditation of certification programs based on the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (APA, AERA, NCME). Many members of the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) are also certification organizations.

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Types of certifications

There are three general types of certification. Listed in order of development level and portability, they are: corporate (internal), product-specific, and profession-wide.

Corporate, or "internal" certifications, are made by a corporation or low-stakes organization for internal purposes. For example, a corporation might require a one-day training course for all sales personnel, after which they receive a certificate. While this certificate has limited portability - to other corporations, for example - it is the most simple to develop.

Product-specific certifications are more involved, and are intended to be referenced to a product across all applications. This approach is very prevalent in the information technology (IT) industry, where personnel are certified on a version of software or hardware. This type of certification is portable across locations (for example, different corporations that use that software), but not across other products. Another example could be the certifications issued for shipping personnel, which are under international standards even for the recognition of the certification body, under an International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The most general type of certification is profession-wide. Certification in the medical profession is often offered by particular specialties. In order to apply professional standards, increase the level of practice, and protect the public, a professional organization might establish a certification. This is intended to be portable to all places a certified professional might work. Of course, this generalization increases the cost of such a program; the process to establish a legally defensible assessment of an entire profession is very extensive. An example of this is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), which would not be certified for just one corporation or one piece of accountancy software but for general work in the profession.

Online Certificate Programs: Online Certification Program

Professional certificates awarded by universities

Many universities grant professional certificates as an award for the completion of an educational program. The curriculum of a professional certificate is most often in a focused subject matter. Many professional certificates have the same curriculum as master's degrees in the same subject. Many other professional certificates offer the same courses as master's degrees in the same subject, but require the student to take fewer total courses to complete the program. Some professional certificates have a curriculum that more closely resembles a baccalaureate major in the same field. The typical professional certificate program is between 200-300 class-hours in size. It is uncommon for a program to be larger or smaller than that. Most professional certificate programs are open enrollment, but some have admissions processes. A few universities put some of their professional certificates into a subclass they refer to as advanced professional certificates.

Some of the more commonly offered professional certificates include:

  • Professional Certificate in Accounting (PCA)
  • Professional Certificate in Customer Relationship Management (PCCRM)
  • Professional Certificate in Financial Planning (PCFP)
  • Professional Certificate in Graphic Design (PCGD)
  • Professional Certificate in Human Resources (PCHR)
  • Professional Certificate in Marketing (PCM)
  • Professional Certificate in Paralegal Studies (PCPS)
  • Professional Certificate in Project Management (PCPM)
  • Professional Certificate in Supply Chain Management (PCSCM)
  • Professional Certificate in Store Management (PCSM)
  • Professional Certificate in Materials Management (PCMM)
  • Professional Certificate in Technical Communication (PCTC)
Online Certificate Programs: Teaching Certificate Programs Online

Areas of certification

Accountancy, auditing and finance

There are many professional bodies for accountants and auditors throughout the world; some of them are legally recognized in their jurisdictions. Public accountants are the accountancy and control experts that are legally certified in different jurisdictions to work in public practices, certifying accounts as statutory auditors, eventually selling advice and services to other individuals and businesses. Today, however, many work within private corporations, financial industry, and government bodies.

Accounting and external auditing

Cf. Accountancy qualifications and regulation

  • CA (Chartered Accountant) conferred by Institutes of Chartered Accountants in Nepal.
  • ACA, FCA or CA (Chartered Accountant) conferred by Institutes of Chartered Accountants in various territories, namely the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • CMA or CA conferred by ICAI/ ICAI in India Respectively .
  • ACMA or FCMA (Associate or Fellow Chartered Management Accountant) conferred by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK)
  • Associate or Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA or FCCA) conferred by Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)
  • AAIA or FAIA (Associate or Fellow International Accountant) conferred by Association of International Accountants
  • AMII or AMII (American International Institute USA) independent professional society Certification Organization
  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant) conferred by State Accountancy Boards in the USA, Hong-Kong, Australia...
  • PFA (Professional Financial Accountant) from came center and Cairo University
  • CMA (Certified Management Accountant) conferred by Institute of Certified Management Accountants (ICMA in Australia), Institute of Management Accountants (IMA in US)
  • CCC (Chartered Cost Controllers) issued and conferred by the American Academy of Financial Management USA Certifying Board (AAFM)
  • MIPA or FIPA (Member or Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants who use the designation "Public Accountant") conferred by the Institute of Public Accountants (Australia)
  • CPTP (Certified Professional Tax Preparer) conferred by Board of Certified Professional Tax Preparers (CPTP), US

Internal auditing and fraud combat

  • CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CCSA;Certification in Control Self Assessment,CGAP;Certified Government Auditing Professional'CRMA;Certification in risk Management Assurance' QIAL Qualification in Internal Audit Leadership conferred by the worldwide recognised Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) headquartered in Altamonte Springs Florida with chapters in many countries
  • CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) conferred by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) headquartered in Texas with chapters in many countries
  • CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) awarded by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association headquartered in the USA with chapters in many countries
  • CFAP (Certified Forensic Accounting Professional) awarded by the Indiaforensic Center of Studies headquartered in India with chapters in many countries
  • CFIA (Certified Forensic & Investigative Auditor) awarded by the Association of Forensic & Investigative Auditors headquartered in Canada with Regional offices in many countries
  • ICCP(International Certified CAATs Practitioner), CEAP(Certified ERP Audit Professional), CFAP (Certified e-Forensic Accounting Professional) conferred by the worldwide recognised International Computer Auditing Education Association (ICAEA) headquartered in B.C. Canada with chapters in several countries


  • CPS (Certified Professional Secretary)
  • CAP-OM (Certified Administrative Professional - Organizational Management)
  • CAP-TA (Certified Administrative Professional - Technology Applications)
  • TNAOAP (The National Association of Administrative Professionals).

In 1951, the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) administered the first Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) exam, which has evolved through the years into a four-part certification test called the Certified Administrative Professional - Organizational Management (CAP-OM). IAAP also offers the Certified Administrative Professional - Technology Applications (CAP-TA) exam, focusing on the Microsoft Office suite of products. Depending upon an individual's level of higher education, an applicant needs between two and four years of verifiable working experience as an administrative professional to sit for the exams.


  • AFA (Accredited Financial Analyst) conferred by the American Academy of Financial Management, USA AAFM
  • AVA (Accredited Valuation Analyst) conferred by The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) - AVA mergered CVA(Certified Valuation Analyst)
  • ASA (Accredited Senior Appraiser) conferred by the American Society of Appraisers
  • CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) conferred by the CAIA Association
  • CBA (Certified Business Appraiser) conferred by the Institute of Business Administration
  • CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) conferred by CFA Institute (CFAI)
  • CVA (Certified Valuation Analyst) conferred by The National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA)
  • ICVS (International Certified Valuation Specialist) conferred by the The International Association of Consultants, Valuators and Analysts (IACVA)
  • CIIA (Certified International Investment Analyst) conferred by the Association of Certified International Investment Analysts (ACIIA)
  • CMU (Certified Mortgage Underwriter) conferred by National Association of Mortgage Underwriters NAMU
  • PFM (Professional Financial Modeller) conferred by International Financial Modelling Institute (IFMI)
  • PRM (Professional Risk Manager) conferred by Professional Risk Managers International (PRM)
Personal finance
  • CFP (Certified Financial Planner) conferred by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards and Financial Planning Standards Board
  • CWM (Chartered Wealth Manager), CAM (Chartered Asset Manager), CTEP (Chartered Trust and Estate Planner) and CPM (Chartered Portfolio Manager), issued, founded and conferred by the USA Board of Standards American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM)
  • CCP (Certified Credit Professional) issued to credit management professionals in Canada by the Credit Institute of Canada
  • EA (Enrolled Agent) by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Public finance
  • CCMT (Certified California Municipal Treasurer) conferred by California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA)
  • CGAP (Certified Government Auditing Professional) conferred by the Institute of Internal Auditors, based on the US Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book) and additionally on COSO, IIA standards and INTOSAI ISSAI standards recognized worldwide in public finance
  • CDFM (Certified Defense Financial Manager) conferred by American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC)
  • CFO (Certified Financial Officer) conferred by Carl Vinson Institute of Government - University of Georgia
  • CGFM (Certified Government Financial Manager) conferred by Association of Government Accountants (AGA)
  • CGAT (Certified Governmental Accounting Technician) conferred by Government Finance Officers Association of Alabama
  • CGFO (Certified Government Finance Officer) conferred by Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (GFOAT)
  • CGFO (Certified Government Finance Officer) conferred by Florida Government Finance Officers Association (FGFOA)
  • CGFO (Certified Government Finance Officer) conferred by Louisiana Government Finance Officers Association
  • CMFO (Certified Municipal Finance Officer) conferred by Government Finance Officers of New Jersey, Rutgers University, and the State of New Jersey
  • CMFO (Certified Municipal Finance Officer) conferred by Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury, and the Municipal Technical Advisory Service
  • CPFO (Certified Public Finance Officer) conferred by Government Finance Officers Association
  • CPFA (Certified Public Finance Administrator) conferred by Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APTUSC)
  • GFO (Government Finance Officer) conferred by Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina (GFOASC)
  • North Carolina Local Governmental Finance Officer conferred by North Carolina Government Finance Officers Association and the North Carolina Association of County Finance Officers


Aerospace Technicians assemble, service, test, operate, and repair systems associated with both expendable and reusable space launch vehicles, payloads, related laboratories, and ground support equipment. Because space-related activities are evolving, professional certifications vary by country and sometimes by company within a country. Credentials are not yet closely regulated but have evolved over time. Most are performance-based due to the hands-on nature of the work and the importance of assuring the quality and safety of activities and operations in this demanding field.

Currently performance based certifications for aerospace technicians in the United States of America are patterned after the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Airframe and Powerplant certificates for aircraft mechanics. The regulatory arm of the FAA for space is the Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA-AST).

Presently the only national credentials meeting the ISO-17024 standards for certification and holding an FAA Safety Approval for the credentialing process are those conferred by the SpaceTEC® - a National Science Foundation National Resource Center. These certifications employ a proctored computer-based written examination followed by an oral examination (if required) and a practical performance-based skills examination administered by a trained and certified SpaceTEC® Examiner (STE).

The existing certifications for aerospace technicians include a Core certification for entry level employees and Concentrations in specialized disciplines for journeymen technicians:

  • Certified Aerospace Technician(TM) - Core - covering an Introduction to the Aerospace Workplace; Applied Mechanics; Basic Electricity; Test & Measurements; Materials and Processes; and Aerospace Safety.
  • Aerospace Manufacturing - Four disciplines/endorsements require Concentration examinations in Manufacturing Essentials (all four areas) with specializations in: Structures and Assembly Processes; Welding and Cutting Processes; Manual Machining Processes; and Computerized Numeric Control (CNC) Machining Operations.
  • Aerospace Composites - A single Concentration examination in four basic areas: Characteristics of Composites; Fabrication Methods; Testing, Inspection, and Repair; and Health and Safety.
  • Aerospace Vehicle Processing - a single Concentration examination in five disciplines: Aerospace Systems; Electronic Fabrication and Fiber Optics; Fluid Systems; Structural Fabrication; and Technical Task Analysis.

Usually candidates for aerospace certification must qualify through a combination of experience and education, meeting at least one of the following criteria:

  • A two-year college technical program degree.
  • A two-year technical military assignment in a related field.
  • A current FAA Airframe/powerplant certificate.
  • Two or more years of on-the-job training and experience in the Aerospace industry.

Specialized Concentration exams for journeyman credentials require a Core Certification.


  • AIA (Member, American Institute of Architects) conferred by American Institute of Architects
  • FAIA (Fellow, American Institute of Architects) conferred by American Institute of Architects

Art & creative / cultural management

  • PDCM, Professional Diploma in Cultural Management conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC) with Macau University of Science & Technology (MUST)
  • PDCrM, Professional Diploma in Creative Management conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC) with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
  • iBACP, iBooks Author Certified Professional, awarded by Score Publishing, a publishing house based in Nashville, Tennessee.


Aviators are certified through theoretical and in-flight examinations. Requirements for certifications are quite equal in most countries and are regulated by each National Aviation Authority. The existing certificates or pilot licenses are:

  • SPL (Sport Pilot License)conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
  • PPL (Private Pilot License) conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities)
  • CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence) conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities)
  • ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) conferred by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities)

Licensing in these categories require not only examinations but also a minimum of flight hours. All categories are available for Fixed-Wing Aircraft (airplanes) and Rotatory-Wing Aircraft (helicopters). Within each category, aviators may also obtain certifications in:

  • Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
  • Multi-engine aircraft
  • Turbojet Engines
  • Jet Engines
  • Experimental aircraft
  • Amphibious aircraft
  • Seaplanes

Usually, aviators must be certified also in their log books for the type and model of aircraft they are allowed to fly. Currency checks as well as regular medical check-ups with a frequency of 6 months, 12 months, or 36 months, depending on the type of flying permitted, are obligatory. An aviator can fly only if holding:

  • A valid pilot license
  • A valid medical certificate
  • Valid certifications for the type of aircraft and type of flight.

In Europe, the ANSP, ATCO & ANSP technicians are certified according to ESARRs [6] (according to EU regulation 2096/2005 "Common Requirements").


  • BMD (Biomedical Electronics Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • BIET (Biomedical Imaging Electronics Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association




  • DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • GCT (General Communications Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • LAS (Line and Antenna Sweep) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • MCEI (Mobile Communications and Electronics Installer) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • PIM (Passive Intermodulation Testing) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • RFIM (RF Interference Mitigation) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • WCM (Wireless Communications) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association

Contract management

Contract management or contract administration is the management of contracts made with customers, vendors, partners, or employees.The personnel involved in Contract Administration required to negotiate, support and manage effective contracts are expensive to train and retain. Contract management includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions, as well as documenting and agreeing on any changes or amendments that may arise during its implementation or execution. It can be summarized as the process of systematically and efficiently managing contract creation, execution, and analysis for the purpose of maximizing financial and operational performance and minimizing risk.

  • CCMP (Certified Contract Management Professional) conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management
  • AICPFM (Associate Member: conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management (ICPFM)
  • MICPFM (Chartered Member: conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management(ICPFM)
  • FICPFM (Chartered Fellow: conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management (ICPFM)

Computer technology

Certification is often used in the professions of software engineering and information technology.

Customer relationship management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company's interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

  • CCSP (Chartered Customer Service Professional) conferred by CICRM's Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management - CICRM is supported by more than 30 industries and helps in the U.S. and some Africa Countries - this certification provides essential skills to improve effective and service quality and customer relationship management in all industries.
  • ACICRM (Associate Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM)
  • MCICRM (Chartered Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM)
  • FCICRM (Chartered Fellow: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM)

Marketing Management

  • Registered Marketing Professional (RMP) is certification given to Bachelors holder in business administration who would like to specialize in marketing conferred by Chartered Association of Marketing and Business Professionals and JA Philippines (A Member of JA Worldwide)

Economic development

The Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA) Training Institute has been the nation's most comprehensive education initiative dedicated to the economic development finance industry. Through the Institute's vast course offerings and professional interactions, economic developers and finance professionals from both the public and private sectors have gained valuable knowledge and access to the entire development finance industry. Training Institute courses cover a wide range of topics. CDFA's Development Finance Certified Professional (DFCP) Program is an intense training course learning experience and is the industry's only comprehensive development finance professional certification program. The DFCP Program is designed to produce graduates with a comprehensive knowledge of development finance concepts, tools and applicability as well as a deep understanding of the entire development finance spectrum. To be considered for graduation from the DFCP Program, individuals must attend a total of six CDFA Training Institute courses and complete a single comprehensive exam.

The International Economic Development Council (IEDC), based in Washington, D.C., recognizes economic developers around the world who have achieved a level of excellence in their understanding of the tools and programs of economic development. In order to become a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), one must sit through the exam and fulfill a number of requirements.

The Business District Executive Management Certificate Program (BDM), based at Rutgers University (Newark, NJ, USA), School of Public Affairs & Administration, provides professionals and students with six (6) CEU credits in a user-friendly, four module, online learning platform that offers an exploration and training into the theories and practices that identify the multisectoral profession of business district management as a form of public-private partnership. [7]

Elections and voter registration

  • CERA or C.E.R.A. (Certified Elections/Registration Administrator), the highest level of certification available for election administrators, conferred by the Election Center, the National Association of Election Administrators. Instruction and university credit for required coursework is provided by Auburn University.


  • CETa (Associate Certified Electronics Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • EM1-5 (Electronics Modules 1-5) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • SET (Student Electronics Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association

Emergency Management

FEMA's EMI offers credentials and training opportunities for United States Citizens. Note that students do not have to be employed by FEMA or be a federal employee for some of the programs.

  • Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP)
  • Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP)
  • Integrated Emergency Management Courses (IEMC)
  • Disaster Field Training Operations (DFTO)
  • Master Trainer Program (MTP)
  • Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience
  • Virtual Table Top Exercise (VTTX) Series
  • Continuity Excellence Series, Level I and II
  • Professional Development Series (PDS) Credential
  • Advance Professional Series (APS) Credential


Professional Engineering is any act of planning, designing, composing, measuring, evaluating, inspecting, advising, reporting, directing or supervising, or managing any of the foregoing, that requires the application of engineering principles and that concerns the safeguarding of life, health, property, economic interests, the public interest or the environment.

  • P.Eng. (Professional Engineer), conferred by provincial licensing bodies in Canada.
  • PE (Professional Engineer), conferred by state licensing bodies in the United States.
  • EUR ING (European Engineer), conferred by the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI).

Facility management

Facility management can be defined as an aspect of engineering management science that deals with the planning, designing, coordination of space and maintenance of a built environment to enhance quality service management system. Service Quality System includes activities like security, maintenance, catering, and external as well as internal cleaning. In general, it is also the coordination and harmonization of various specialist disciplines to create the best possible working environment for staff.

Facility management is an interdisciplinary field devoted to the coordination of space, infrastructure, people and organization, often associated with the administration of office blocks, arenas, schools, convention centers, shopping complexes, hospitals, hotels, etc. However, FM facilitates on a wider range of activities than just business services and these are referred to as non-core functions.

  • CFE (Certified Facilities Executive), conferred by the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM).
  • CFMP (Certified Facility Management Professional) conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management
  • AICPFM (Associate Member: conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management (ICPFM)
  • MICPFM (Chartered Member: conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management(ICPFM)
  • FICPFM (Chartered Fellow: conferred by The Institute of Contract, Project and Facility Management (ICPFM)

Warehousing management

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a key part of the supply chain and primarily aims to control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse and process the associated transactions, including shipping, receiving, putaway and picking. The systems also direct and optimize stock putaway based on real-time information about the status of bin utilization. A WMS monitors the progress of products through the warehouse. It involves the physical warehouse infrastructure, tracking systems, and communication between product stations.

More precisely, warehouse management involves the receipt, storage and movement of goods, (normally finished goods), to intermediate storage locations or to a final customer. In the multi-echelon model for distribution, there may be multiple levels of warehouses. This includes a central warehouse, a regional warehouses (serviced by the central warehouse) and potentially retail warehouses (serviced by the regional warehouses).

  • CSMMP (Certified Stores and Materials Management Professional: conferred by The Certified Institute of Warehousing and Materials Management (CIWMM)
  • ACIWM (Associate Member: conferred by The Certified Institute of Warehousing and Materials Management (CIWMM)
  • MCIWM (Chartered Member: conferred by The Certified Institute of Warehousing and Materials Management (CIWMM)
  • FCIWM (Chartered Fellow: conferred by The Certified Institute of Warehousing and Materials Management (CIWMM)

Enterprise risk management

  • APC, Academy of Professional Certification (APC) Limited, an approved charitable NGO organization, Certification Body, managed by ISO 31000/ ISO 29100/ ISO 22300 Members that authorized by HKSARG, and supporting by various professional bodies, universities, governments and international organizations
  • CRP, Certified Risk Planner, conferred and mutually accredited by the Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • FCRP, Fellow of Certified Risk Planner, conferred and mutually accredited by the Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CRT, Certified Risk Trainer, conferred and mutually accredited by the Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CCC, Certified Crisis Consultant, conferred and mutually accredited by the Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CIE, Certified International Entrepreneur, conferred and mutually accredited by the International Entrepreneurs Association (IEA)
  • CLRMC ISO 31000, Certified Lead Risk Management Consultant for ISO 31000, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPA ISO 31000, Certified Professional Auditor of Enterprise Risk Management for ISO 31000, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPT ISO 31000, Certified Professional Trainer for ISO 31000, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPCM ISO 22301/292, Certified Professional Crisis Manager for ISO 292 Security Management and ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPERM ISO 31010, Certified Professional Enterprise Risk Manager for ISO 31000 and ISO 31010, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPIA ISO 29100, Certified Privacy Impact Assessor for ISO 29100 and ISO 31010, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPQRM ISO 9001:2015, Certified Professional Quality Risk Manager of ISO 31000 for ISO 9001:2015, an upgrade path for existing ISO 9001:2008 quality manager to be certified with new risk management ISO 31000 requirement conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • FCPCM ISO 22301/292, Certified Professional Crisis Manager for ISO 292 Security Management and ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • FCPERM ISO 31010, Fellow of Certified Professional Enterprise Risk Manager for ISO 31000 and ISO 31010, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC
  • FCPIA ISO 29100, Fellow of Certified Privacy Impact Assessor for ISO 29100 and ISO 31010, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • FCPQRM ISO 9001:2015, Fellow of Certified Professional Quality Risk Manager of ISO 31000 for ISO 9001:2015, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CRMP (Certified Risk Management Professional) by the Disaster Recovery Institute International

Entrepreneurial profession

  • IEA,UK (International Entrepreneurs Association) conferred by International Entrepreneurs Association.


  • National Registry of Environmental Professionals - recognized NGO offering list of Environmental and Safety Certifications
  • Institute of Professional Environmental Practice - Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP)
  • Academy of Board Qualified Environmental Professionals - Certified Environmental Professional (CEP)
  • CEnvP - Certified Environmental Practitioner of Australia and New Zealand (CEnvP)
  • International Society of Arboriculture - internationally recognized body providing ANSI-Accredited certifications for arborists. Certified Arborist, Master Arborist
  • Environmental Professional (EP) designation - Environmental Careers Organization (ECO) Canada
  • Green Globes Professional (GGP)- Certified GGPs are industry professionals trained in the Green Globes building assessment and certification process. They may serve as consultants on Green Globes projects, facilitating the building certification process and providing project management for their own clients. [8]

Environmental Health

  • CPHI(C) - Certified Public Health Inspector (Canada)

Explosive atmospheres

IECEx IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres covers the highly specialized field of explosion protection associated with the use of equipment in areas where flammable gases, liquids and combustible dusts may be present. This System provides the assurance that equipment is manufactured to meet safety standards, and that services such as installation, repair and overhaul also comply with IEC International Standards on safety. The United Nations, via UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), recommends the IEC and IECEx as the world's best practice model for the verification of conformity to International Standards. It published a "Common Regulatory Framework" encompassing the use of IEC International Standards developed by IEC TC (Technical Committee) 31: Equipment for explosive atmospheres, with proof of compliance demonstrated by IECEx.

Fiber Optics and Data Cabling

  • DCI (Data Cabling Installer) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • FOI (Fiber Optics Installer) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • FOT (Fiber Optics Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • FOT-OSP (Fiber Optics Technician-Outside Plant) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • FOD (Fiber Optics Designer) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • TTT (Termination and Testing Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association


AG (Accredited Genealogist) conferred by the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen). CG (Certified Genealogist) conferred by the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG). CGL (Certified Genealogical Lecturer) conferred by the Board for Certification of Genealogists (BCG).

Health leadership

  • CHE (Certified Health Executive) conferred by the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL)

Healthcare quality

  • CHCQM (Board Certification in Health Care Quality and Management) conferred by the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians
  • CPHQ (Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality) conferred by the Healthcare Quality Certification Board of the National Association for Healthcare Quality

Hospitality and tourism

  • CHA (Certified Hotel Administrator) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
  • CRDE (Certified Room Division Executive) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
  • CHE (Certified Hotel Educator) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
  • CHRM (Certified Hotel Revenue Manager) conferred by American Hotel & Lodging Association
  • CRME (Certified Revenue Management Executive) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
  • CHDM (Certified Hospitality Digital Marketer) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
  • CHSE (Certified Hospitality Sales Executive) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
  • CHSC (Certified in Hospitality Sales Competencies) conferred by Hospitality Sales & Marketing International
  • CMP (Certified Meeting Professional) conferred by Convention Industry Council
  • CEM (Certified in Exhibition Management) conferred by International Association of Exhibitions and Events

Industrial hygiene

  • CIH (Certified Industrial Hygienist) conferred by American Board of Industrial Hygiene

Information quality

  • IQCP (Information Quality Certified Professional) conferred by International Association for Information and Data Quality.

Information security

  • CISSP, Certified Information System Security Professional by (ISC)²
  • SSCP, Systems Security Certified Practitioner by (ISC)²
  • CAP, Certified Authorization Professional by (ISC)²
  • CCFP, Certified Cyber Forensics Professional by (ISC)²
  • CSSLP, Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional by (ISC)²
  • HCISPP, HealthCare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner by (ISC)²
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Information Security Professional Certification Credential Q/ISP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Ethical Hacker Certification Q/EH
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Security Analyst Certification Q/SA
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Penetration Tester License Certification Q/PTL
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Forensic Expert Certification Q/FE
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Network Defender Certification Q/ND
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Information Assurance Professional Certification Credential Q/IAP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Access, Authentication, PKI Pro Certification Q/AAP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Network Security Policy Administrator Certification Q/NSP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Certification & Accreditation Certification Q/C&A
  • CCSK, Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge by Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
  • CPCRM, Certified Professional in Cloud Risk Management, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)- ISO 31000 Member for HKSARG
  • CPISM, Certified Professional in Information Security Management, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • PCISAG, Professional Certificate in Information Systems Security, Auditing and Governance, conferred by IVE (Lee Wai Lee) of Hong Kong and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPRM, Certified Professional Risk Manager for ISO 27005, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)

Insurance and risk management

In the United States, insurance professionals are licensed separately by each state. Many individuals seek one or more certifications to distinguish themselves from their peers. The most recognizable certifications are issued by five organizations:

American Institute For Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (AICPCU)

  • Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
  • Associate in Risk Management (ARM)
  • Associate in Commercial Underwriting (AU)
  • Accredited Adviser in Insurance (AAI)
  • Certified Authority on Workers' Compensation (CAWC)

American College of Financial Services

  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
  • Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)

National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research

  • Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)
  • Certified Risk Manager (CRM)
  • Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR)

National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors in partnership with the College of Financial Planning

  • Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF)

National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies

  • Farm Mutual Director Certification (FMDC)
  • Professional Farm Mutual Manager (PFMM)

National Registry of Workers' Compensation Specialists

  • Registered Workers' Compensation Specialist (RWCS)

Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS)

  • Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU)

Language education

TESOL is a large field of employment with widely varying degrees of regulation. Most provision worldwide is through the state school system of each individual country, and as such, the instructors tend to be trained primary- or secondary school teachers who are native speakers of the language of their pupils, and not of English. Though native speakers of English have been working in non-English speaking countries in this capacity for years, it was not until the last twenty-five years or so that there was any widespread focus on training particularly for this field. Previously, workers in this sort of job were anyone from backpackers hoping to earn some extra travel money to well-educated professionals in other fields doing volunteer work, or retired people. These sort of people are certainly still to be found, but there are many who consider TESOL their main profession.

One of the problems facing these full-time teachers is the absence of international governing body for the certification or licenture of English language teachers. However, Cambridge University and its subsidiary body UCLES are pioneers in trying to get some degree of accountability and quality control to consumers of English courses, through their CELTA and DELTA programs. Trinity College London has equivalent programs, the CertTESOL and the LTCL DipTESOL. They offer initial certificates in teaching, in which candidates are trained in language awareness and classroom techniques, and given a chance to practice teaching, after which feedback is reported. Both institutions have as a follow-up a professional diploma, usually taken after a year or two in the field. Although the initial certificate is available to anyone with a high school education, the diploma is meant to be a post-graduate qualification and in fact can be incorporated into a master's degree program.

Legal affairs

An increasing number of lawyers are choosing to be recognized as having special knowledge and experience by becoming certified specialists in certain fields of law. According to the American Bar Association, a lawyer that is a certified specialist has been recognized by an independent professional certifying organization as having an enhanced level of skill and expertise, as well as substantial involvement in an established legal specialty. These organizations require a lawyer to demonstrate special training, experience and knowledge to ensure that the lawyer's recognition as a certified specialist is meaningful and reliable. Lawyer conduct with regard to specialty certification is regulated by the states.

NBLSC is an American Bar Association (ABA) accredited organization providing Board Certification for US Lawyers. Board Certification is a rigorous testing and approval process that officially recognizes the extensive education and courtroom experience of attorneys. NBLSC provides Board Certification for Trial Lawyers & Trial Attorneys, Civil Lawyers, Criminal Lawyers, Family Lawyers and Social Security Disability Lawyers.

Logistics and transport

Logistician is the Profession in the logistics & transport sectors, including sea, air, land and rail modes. Professional qualification for logisticians usually carries post-nominal letters. Common examples include:

  • MILT (Member Institute of Logistics and Transport) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT),
  • CMILT (Chartered Member, Institute of Logistics and Transport) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
  • FCILT (Chartered Fellow, Institute of Logistics and Transport) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
  • CPL/CTP conferred by Transport & Logistics Certification Council (TLCC) of Australia,
  • EJLog/ESLog/EMLog conferred by the European Logistics Association (ELA),
  • CML/CPL conferred by the International Society of Logistics (SOLE),
  • JrLog/Log/SrLog conferred by the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing (CFLP),
  • FHKLA/PMHKLA conferred by the Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA),
  • PLS/CTL/DLP conferred by the American Society of Transportation & Logistics (AST&L),
  • CPIM/CSCP conferred by the Association for Operations Management (APICS),


  • CCLP (CITT-Certified Logistics Professional) conferred by the Canadian Institute of Traffic & Transportation (CITT),
  • PLog (Professional Logistician) conferred by the Canadian Professional Logistics Institute,
  • ACCL-AMI / ACCL-AMO / ACCL-ABM / ACCL-OBM conferred by the Allied Council for Commerce and Logistics (ACCL)
  • CPLCM, Certified Professional Logistics & Cargo Mediator, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPCRM, Certified Professional in Cargo Risk Management & Mediation, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)


  • CM, Certified Manager, conferred by the Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM)


  • ECM, Executive Certificate in Mediation, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • PCM, Professional Certification in Mediation, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • APCM, Advanced Professional Certification in Mediation, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPMT, Certified Professional Mediation Trainer, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPACM, Certified Professional Art & Cultural Mediator, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CPM, Certified Professional Mediator, conferred and mutually accredited by The Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • PDCoM, Professional Diploma in Corporate Mediation, conferred and mutually accredited by The Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC), with Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
  • CMA, Certified Mediation Assessor, conferred and mutually accredited by The Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)


Churches have their own process of who may use various religious titles. Protestant churches typically require a Masters of Divinity, accreditation by the denomination and ordination by the local church in order for a minister to become a "Reverend". Those qualifications may or may not also give government authorization to solemnize marriages


Board certification is the process by which a physician in the United States documents by written, practical or computer based testing, illustrating a mastery of knowledge and skills that define a particular area of medical specialization. The American Board of Medical Specialties, a not-for-profit organization, assists 24 approved medical specialty boards in the development and use of standards in the ongoing evaluation and certification of physicians.

Medical specialty certification in the United States is a voluntary process. While medical licensure sets the minimum competency requirements to diagnose and treat patients, it is not specialty specific. Board certification demonstrates a physician's exceptional expertise in a particular specialty or sub-specialty of medical practice.

Patients, physicians, health care providers, insurers and quality organizations regard certification as an important measure of a physician's knowledge, experience and skills to provide quality health care within a given specialty.

Other professional certifications include certifications such as medical licenses, Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, nursing board certification, diplomas in social work. The Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy certifies pharmacists that are knowledgeable about principles of geriatric pharmacotherapy and the provision of pharmaceutical care to the elderly. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies administers a voluntary accreditation program for law enforcement agencies. Additional certifying bodies relating to the medical field include:

  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
  • American College of Emergency Physicians
  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians
  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons
  • Membership of the College of Emergency Medicine
  • Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology
  • American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Medical coding and billing

  • AHIMA (American Health Information Management Association)
  • AAPC

Peer support

NCPRP stands for "National Certified Peer Recovery Professional", and the NCPRP credential and exam were developed in collaboration with the International Certification Board of Recovery Professionals (ICBRP) and is currently being administered by PARfessionals.

PARfessionals is a professional organization and all of the available courses are professional development and pre-certification courses.

The NCPRP credential and exam focus primarily on the concept of peer recovery through mental health and addiction recovery. It has the main purpose of training student-candidates on how to become peer recovery professionals who can provide guidance, knowledge or assistance for individuals who have had similar experiences.

Through the support of the SJM Family Foundation, PARfessionals has developed the first globally recognized online training program for peer recovery professionals.

Each student-candidate must complete several key steps which include initial registration; the pre-certification review course; and all applicable sections of the official application in order to become eligible to complete the final step, which is the NCPRP certification exam.

The NCPRP credential is obtained once a participant successfully passes the NCPRP certification exam by the second attempt and is valid for five years.

Physical asset management

  • MMP - Maintenance Management Professional
  • CMRP - Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP)


  • ASSE (American Society of Sanitary Engineering) - an ANSI Accredited standards developer and certification body

Project management

Certification is of significant importance in the project management (PM) industry. Certification refers to the evaluation and recognition of the skills, knowledge and competence of a practitioner in the field.

Project management certifications come in a variety of flavors:

  • Competence-based programs wherein an individual must provide evidence of actual, on-the-job performance
  • Knowledge-based programs wherein an individual must pass an exam
  • Experience-based programs wherein an individual must provide evidence of training or education in the field.

Combination of Competence-based, Knowledge-based, and Experience-based

  • PMP Project Management Professional conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
  • CPMP (Chartered Project Management Professional) conferred by The Chartered Institute of Project Management (CIPM)
  • ACIPM (Associate Member:conferred by The Chartered Institute of Project Management (CIPM)
  • FCIPM (Chartered Fellow Member:conferred by The Chartered Institute of Project Management (CIPM)
  • SCPM Stanford Certified Project Manager conferred by the Stanford University as a result of completing the SAPM (Stanford Advanced Project Management Certificate Program)
  • PgMP Program Management Professional conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
  • FAC-P/PM (Federal Acquisition Certification in Project and Program Management ) conferred by civilian agencies of the U.S. federal government supplements private sector competencies and experience expectations with unique government requirements including those for government contract, budget, and management processes. FAC-P/PM has three levels of certification covering entry, mid, and senior career levels.


  • CPM Certified Project Manager conferred by the CIPM (Chartered Institute of Project Management)
  • AMII ( Certified Project Management conferred by the AMII (American International Institute, USA)
  • CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
  • PMI - ACP Project Management Institute - Agile Certified Practitioner conferred by the PMI (Project Management Institute)
  • CSM Certified SCRUM Master conferred by the SCRUM Alliance

Public relations

There are 15 professional associations from around the world offering the ' Accredited in Public Relations (APR) designation and one offering the 'Accredited Business Communicator (ABC) designation. In 2008, the, after examining the more prevalent APR and ABC examination processes, determined that a core set of competencies should be part of a world standard to establish competency in the public relations profession.

  • In the USA, the Universal Accreditation Board, an organization composed of the Public Relations Society of America, the Agricultural Relations Council, the National School Public Relations Association, the Religious Communicators Council and other public relations professional societies, administers the Accreditation in Public Relations (APR), a voluntary certification program for public relations practitioners.

Real estate

  • ALC (Accredited Land Consultant) conferred by the REALTORS® Land Institute (RLI)
  • CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member) conferred by the CCIM Institute
  • CPM (Certified Property Manager) conferred by Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)
  • FRI (Fellow of the Real Estate Institute) conferred by The Real Estate Institute of Canada
  • CLS (Certified Leasing Specialist) conferred by the International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC)
  • CSM (Certified Shopping Centre Manager) conferred by the International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC)
  • CMD (Certified Marketing Director) conferred by the International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC)
  • CRX (Certified Retail Executive) conferred by the International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC)

Renewable Energy

  • EVT (Electronic Vehicle Technician) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • PVI (Photovoltaic Installer) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association
  • SWI (Small Wind Installer) conferred by Electronics Technicians Association


  • Certification Safety and Health Specialist (CHSO)
  • Safety and Health Environmental Professional (SHEP)
  • Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
  • Certified Safety Professional (CSP)


  • CSP (Certified Sales Professional) conferred by Canadian Professional Sales Association in Canada and by MRERF's Institute for Professional Advancement - IPA in the U.S. and Mexico - this certification provides essential skills to improve sales in all industries and all channels.
  • CPMR (Certified Professional Manufacturers Representative) conferred by MRERF's Institute for Professional Advancement - IPA is supported by more than 20 industries and helps independent manufacturers representatives the skills to run a more effective rep firm.

Customer relationship management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company's interactions with current and future customers. It often involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support.

  • CCSP (Chartered Customer Service Professional) conferred by CICRM'S Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management - CICRM is supported by more than 30 industries and helps in the U.S. and some Africa Countries - this certification provides essential skills to improve effective and service quality and customer relationship management in all industries.
  • ACICRM (Associate Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM)
  • MCICRM (Chartered Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM)
  • FCICRM (Chartered Fellow: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Customer Relationship Management (CICRM)


  • ASIS International administers the Certified Protection Professional - Board-Certified in Security Management (CPP)
  • ASIS International administers the Physical Security Professional, Board-Certified (PSP)
  • ASIS International administers the Professional Certified Investigator, Board-Certified (PCI)
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners administers the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  • International Foundation of Protection Officers administers the Certified Protection Officer (CPO)
  • Society of Payment Security Professionals (SPSP) administers the Certified Payment-Card Industry Security Manager
  • The Loss Prevention Foundation administers the LPQualified (LPQ) and LPCertified (LPC) credentials
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) from
  • Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) from
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Information Security Professional Certification Credential Q/ISP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Ethical Hacker Certification Q/EH
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Security Analyst Certification Q/SA
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Penetration Tester License Certification Q/PTL
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Forensic Expert Certification Q/FE
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Network Defender Certification Q/ND
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Information Assurance Professional Certification Credential Q/IAP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Access, Authentication, PKI Pro Certification Q/AAP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Network Security Policy Administrator Certification Q/NSP
  • Security University Testing administers the Qualified/ Certification & Accreditation Certification Q/C&A
  • American Hotel & Lodging Association administers the Certified Lodging Security Director (CLSD)
  • National Sheriffs' Association administers the Certified Homeland Protection Professional (CHPP) Certification
  • American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Certified in Homeland Security (CHS®) Certification Levels I-V
  • American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Anti-Sabotage Certified (ASCsm) Certification
  • American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Sensitive Security Information Certified (SSI) Certification
  • American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Certified in Disaster Preparedness (CDP-I®) Certification
  • American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Intelligence Analyst Certified (IAC®) Certification
  • American Board for Certification in Homeland Security administers the Certified National Threat Analyst (CNTAsm) Certification
  • Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist (CAS) Certification
  • Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist (CMAS) Certification
  • Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist - Information Technology (CAS-IT) Certification
  • Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist - Forensic IT Analyses (CAS-FA) Certification
  • Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist - Cyber Terrorism Response (CAS-CTR) Certification
  • Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board administers the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist - Physical Security Manager (CAS-PSM) Certification
  • Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Registered Locksmith (RL) Certification
  • Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Registered Locksmith (CRL) Certification
  • Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Professional Locksmith (CPL) Certification
  • Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Master Locksmith (CML) Certification
  • Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Professional Safe Technician (CPS) Certification
  • Associated Locksmiths of America administers the Certified Master Safe Technician (CMST) Certification
  • International Association of Certified Surveillance Professionals administers the Certified Surveillance Professional (CSP) Certification
  • Security Industry Association administers the Certified Security Project Manager (CSPM) Certification
  • ASP, Accredited Security Professional, conferred and accredited by Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • CST, Certified Security Trainer, conferred and accredited by The Institute of Crisis & Risk Management (ICRM) or Academy of Professional Certification (APC)
  • Center for Interviewer Standards and Assessment administers the Certified Forensic Interviewer Designation


Conferred by the National Speakers Association, the Certified Speaking Professional® (CSP) is the speaking profession's international measure of professional platform competence. This certification is awarded by the National Speakers Association Only about 10% of the speakers who belong to the Global Speakers Federation (GSF) hold this designation. Those who have earned their certification have done so by demonstrating a track record of experience and expertise.

Supply chain management

Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of the flow of goods. It includes the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption. Interconnected or interlinked networks, channels and node businesses are involved in the provision of products and services required by end customers in a supply chain.[2] Supply chain management has been defined as the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally.

SCM draws heavily from the areas of operations management, logistics, procurement, and information technology, and strives for an integrated approach.

  • ACISCM (Associate Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM)
  • MCISCM (Chartered Full Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM)
  • FCISCM (Chartered Fellow Member: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM)
  • CSCMP (Chartered Supply Chain Management Professional: conferred by The Chartered Institute of Supply Chain Management (CISCM)


Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers administers the Certified Practising Trainer (CPT). Conferred by the Australian Institute of Certified Practising Trainers, [9] this certification is the hallmark for professional trainers.

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Other applications

  • The American Academy of Environmental Engineers board certifies licensed environmental engineers (Board Certified Environmental Engineer--BCEE) and unlicensed environmental engineering practitioners (Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member--BCEEM) for those with a degree in engineering and at least 8 years of practice and responsible charge in environmental engineering.
  • The American Certification Institute trains and certifies Learning & Development Professionals with 'Certified Training Professional' (CTP), 'Master Corporate Trainer' (MCT) and related Certifications in Human Resources - 'Certified Human Resources Professional' (CHRP) and 'Certified Human Resources Manager' (CHRM).
  • The Institute of Professional Environmental Practice certifies qualified environmental professionals (QEP) who have a degree in physical, earth or natural science, engineering or mathematics and at least 5 years of professional environmental work experience.
  • The Council-certified Indoor Environmental Consultant (CIEC) certification covers a wide range of indoor environmental quality disciplines focusing on managing indoor environmental quality in relation to building design, maintenance and operations to ensure an optimal environment for building occupants.
  • The Canadian National Association of Infrared Imaging Technologists (AIIT) awards the IIT designation to infrared thermographers who meet the training standards regulated by the association. AIIT aims to ensure service delivery standards and public trust through regulating training standards, codes of conduct and continuing education.
  • The National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators administers ANSI-accredited certification programs for operators of mobile, tower, overhead, and articulating cranes, riggers, signal persons, and crane inspectors.
  • The Society for Technical Communication (STC) is planning to create a certification program for technical writers in 2011.
  • The Association of Professional Reserve Analysts certifies qualified reserve study professionals (PRA) who are a Certified Public Accountant, have a General Contractors License, and at least 2 years of professional experience preparing reserve studies; or some combination of related experience.
  • The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) is the International body who administers ANSI-accredited certification programs for arborists and tree care specialists. Certifications vary from Tree Worker to Certified Arborist to Master Arborist.
Online Certificate Programs: Online Management Certificate Programs


Many political commentators, often criticize professional or occupational licensing, especially medical and legal licensing, for restricting the supply of services and therefore making them more expensive, often putting them out of reach of poor people.

The current proliferation of IT certifications (both offered and attained), like the FSI's IT baseline protection certification, has led some technologists to question their value. Proprietary content that has been distributed on the Internet allows some to gain credentials without the implied depth or breadth of expertise. Certifying agencies have responded in various ways: Some now incorporate hands-on elements, anti-cheating methodologies or have expanded their content. Others have expired and restructured their certificate programs or raised their fees to deter abuse.

Certification programs that take into account length of service and demonstrated experience via industry peer and employer recommendation avoid some of the issues associated with purely passing an examination; however, certification remains a contentious issue.

Also, some professional certifications require a criminal record check for the certification to be approved. The presence of a criminal history when applying for certification may be grounds for denial of certification.

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